
SCAPINO Ballet Rotterdam

On the invitation of Ed Wubbe, Joost creates a new work for the Rotterdam based company Scapino Ballet. With the piece entitled, Fall of a sparrow, Joost examines his view of theater and his movement language in a temperamental and stylized way

Speaker and choreographer at TEDx

TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. TED builds a clearinghouse of free knowledge from the world's most inspired thinkers. Joost has been choreograoher, dance performer and speaker for TEDx Maastricht. 

Opening Feel the Chemistry Festival

Choreographic opening to the Feel the Chemistry Festival, A joint initiative of the companies and institutes, based at Brightlands Chemelot Campus (NL). Celebrating 80 years of science and innovation, Joost opens with a new created work featuring dancers of CODARTS Dance Company. Art meets science at one of world's leading scientific innovation hub.

The Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Limburg gives out the Inspiratieprijs to Joost Vrouenraets. The price is awarded to a person or organization, who has made himself particularly meritorious in the field of literature, virtual arts, e-culture, visual arts, music, dance, theatre, history, nature conservation or conservation of monuments. The award consists of € 10.000 and a glass object form artist Ruth Houkes.

Prins Bernhard Cultural Fund Award
Corona work 'the red circles'

Current work being developed since the global outbreak of Covid-19. Joost Vrouenraets and photographer David Peskens give live performances in the public space mixing dance, photography, public participation, nature and urban landscape.